laser cutting service
Custom Processing Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Service
Sheet metal, a processing process, sheet metal has not yet a relatively complete definition. According to a definition in a foreign professional journal, it can be defined as: sheet metal is for metal sheet (usually below 6mm) a comprehensive cold processing process, including shear, punching/cutting/composite, folding, riveting, splicing, forming (such as car body), etc.. Its remarkable feature is the same thickness of the same part.
custom presion pipe/tube laser cuting parts services
Laser cutting is the use of high power density laser beam scanning material surface, in a very short time to heat the material to thousands of degrees Celsius, so that the material melting or gasification, and then high pressure gas will melt or gasification material from the slit blown away, to achieve the purpose of cutting material.
Custom CNC pipe tube bending service
Pipe bending is a process in which a pipe is first loaded into a bender or pipe bender and then sandwiched between two dies (clamping block and forming die). The tube is also held loosely by two other molds, the wipe mold and the pressure mold.